Underbara TH

Har inget att blogga om för tillfället så jag lägger in en bild på Tokio Hotel från februari 2008.
Titta och njut!

Stuyvesant Park USA, 19.02.08

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SV: Ja, det stämmer. Men får ju hoppas på det bästa

2009-08-06 17:44:03
URL: http://thebigtowngirl.blogg.se/

Um yeah I guess so, and I heard a noise last night that sounded like someone trying to unlock the front door, but the key wasn't even in the door. Was so spooky. I'm like that with the dark too and it's worse with my dog because he puts me on edge more =/

I've just got up, late I know haha.

Aw that sounds awesome, I really have like forgotten all of my German, well speaking anyway, maybe it'll come back to mme when I'm in France in a few weeks, being surrounded by a language might kick me into touch hehe.


2009-08-06 19:11:49
URL: http://amieewhitney.blogg.se/

sv: jag trivs som fisken i vattnet , kan spela TH musik utan att någon klagar hahah

2009-08-06 21:45:10
URL: http://missinna.blogg.se/

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